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There is an alarming commonality between the political power of authoritarianism and the economic power technologies of crude capitalism. It is that both the despot and the savage capitalist simply treat their material and human resources as their prey.


They have no further-looking goals than to get the most out of them. Just as a wild beast, which is freely mauling and tearing its prey – snarling and grumbling at anyone else who wants access to it, too.


This predator attitude similarly disgusts the day-to-day operations of Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage, Tayyip Erdoğan and Viktor Orbán, as well as of Rupert Murdoch, and the living and dead Koch brothers, including countless institutionalized, faceless multinational corporations. (Some may miss the name of Vladimir Putin from this list, but in my opinion he had never experienced either democracy or capitalism: he became the strongest wolf among wolves.)


The tyranno-politician and globe-capitalist are neither interested in the future of the Earth nor in the security of life of any fellow-individual. And then this pattern of predator-behaviour is preached in our post-humanist era which they have created, an era that has pushed aside  postmodernism by now.


The powers that have created this era of post-humanism have subjugated and keep subjugating science (the category of 'truth') and the arts (the 'aesthetic' ability ') for political gains and economic profit, and continually undermine law and morality with their institutions (the ethical opportunities of ‘good’) – eliminating the principles of those basic human values which have so far distinguished us from the rest of the living world.


They do not, however, count on two things, and this is the twist of human existence and history: their own mortality and the paradigm-shifting capability of mankind. Post-humanism ceases to exist as soon as we formulate its nature, realizing its characteristics – and when as many as we can, upon our own decisions, seek to find a way out of it, distancing ourselves from the world of predators.

