Jelenlegi hely


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Motion picture

(Watch it full screen.)




A small miracle. Sun arrives on Track 5.




My first 8mm movie on analyzing life opportunities in nature and in the town.




A project for the video course of the Szellemkep Free School, Budapest. Single shot, steady camera to explore stories offered by a multi-plane 'urban stage'. First a total bore, then - after a couple of viewings - one may discover various stories told by feet, dresses and steps - totally separate from each other within a few square feet of urban space. Stories of people who are there within reach to each other, yet totally encapsulated in / and isolated by their own world. Whom is she waiting for? Whom is he waiting for? Will those ever come? Music nobody listens to, ads nobody cares for.


  • Travel Damaging to Public Interest
    Directed and written by Éva Pataki, 2002
    With Krisztina Katona, László Béky and Sándor Striker.
    Film inserts from my movie 'The Town' and other  8mm shots of ours from the 1970ies.


In the Fall of 2010 I was invited to the 10th Anniversary Grundtvig Conference to Copenhagen, Danemark. On the second day of the conference participants were asked to form 'film crews' and to make interviews on the Grundtvigian initiative. Here is the co-production of our international team of the day.


After the red sludge catastrophy in western Hungary some charity events were initiated to ease the damages. The Dunakanyar Youth Orchestra gave a concert at the Szob Cultural House.


Even during a short visit to NYC one can catch some nice public performances, which deserve to be shared.