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Orbán should resign

’O wicked wit and gifts, that have the power
So to seduce!’

Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act I, Scene V,
In September the Parliament of Hungary is to continue her work – but this should be done without the presence of her present Prime Minister Victor Orbán, who ashamed the people of Hungary.
Just as well as János Kádár, his most criticized but most followed predecessor could not handle the ghost of his victim – the 1956 Prime Minister Imre Nagy – so would not be able Mr. Orbán escape the ghost of the Armenian officer, slaughtered with an axe cowardly in his dream by his fellow NATO peacekeeping Azeri army trainee in Hungary in 2004.
This cold-blooded sneaking killer abused the classic right of hospitality, which provided neutral grounds to replace ancient hatred with peace. This somewhat naïve notion failed, yet justice was done by the courts of Hungary with a fair trial and life sentence for him.
Now Prime Minister Orbán entered a deal with the killer Azeri, a deal which stigmatized the Hungarian people. Was Mr. Orbán cheated? Was he fooled? Was he promised something? He let the imprisoned murderer fly to his homeland Azerbaijan, under the promise he would continue his term there. Well, he was never taken to the prison upon his arrival, but celebrated as a hero and promoted to the rank of a major – and many talk of a deal of Azeri investment into Hungary.
The Hungarian Foreign Office protested, but Premier Orbán failed to demand the imprisonment of the murderer or his return to the Hungarian prison. He has become an accomplice of the assassin – just as János Kádár became the assassin’s accomplice at the dawn of November 4, 1956, when the sneaky tanks of a dictatorship overran the sleeping Hungary.
Orbán should resign. He stepped out from Europe, he made a target of the people of Hungary and brought disgrace to our moral integrity. As the Hungarian writer László Németh put it a long time ago: ‘To be a Hungarian is .. predominantly to be a moral role model.’, We should not give in, nobody has the right to humiliate this ideal.
September 2, 2012